How to Help Your Dog Survive Winter Season

Winter Tips For Your Dog: Dog's coat is good defense against the cold climate. Don't shave your dog during the winter period. Keep it thick and long. If you bathe him/her, it's better to dry him/her properly before going outside.

In cold, snowy weather ensure that if your dog is outside, he has guard to protect him from cold wind. Small dogs should not be left outside. Keep your puppy safe and cozy inside a heated house. If it is extremely cold for you to stand at the door without your woolens, it is probably extremely cold for your dog to be out without a coat. Some dog breeds have dense undercoats. Coats are not just about style, there are many functional, non-couture coats available.

Keep your dog away from heating sources: Dogs will often seek heat during the cold conditions by cuddling too close to heating sources. Don't use space heaters and open lamps, place baseboard radiator covers to prevent burns.

Regular Exercise: Unless your dog lives outdoors during the cold climate, he or she often needs no additional calories during winter. Adjust his/her calories according to his/her workout. Always give your dog the best quality natural dog food to insure a healthy coat and good energy for the cold winter months.

Ensure that your dog drinks enough fresh water: Dogs can dehydrate very quickly in the winter as summer. Although many dogs eat snow, it is not a satisfactory substitute for fresh water. If your dog has a bowl of water outdoors, check it often and break ice that will form on the top.

Keep their paws clean: Dogs walk on the snow, slush, salt and chemicals and are very likely to sustain an injury to their paws unless protected. Although dogie booties may sound a little corny, they can prevent severe injuries. The major problem with canine footwear is keeping them in place! Many booties are presently available with Velcro but a child's mitten keeper also works to keep booties or socks on. If booties absolutely don't work for your dog, clean your dog's feet every time he enters the house. Use warm water and clean between the toes really well to remove debris and salt. Apply a little amount of herbal healing salve daily to keep the pads from cracking. Don't use any chemical ice-melting compounds or rock salt on your sidewalks that your dog may contact.

Chemical hazards: With winter comes antifreeze from automobiles. Antifreeze is sweet in taste and dogs will readily lick or eat it. Antifreeze is extremely poisonous and just a little amount can be dangerous for dogs. Keep your dog out of the garage and off the driveway where they may encounter antifreeze or other harmful chemicals.

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