7 Most Common Dog Diseases Every Owner Need to know

Our dogs are more than just pets; they are members of our family and our furry pals. It is our responsibility to keep our dogs healthy. But unfortunately, health problems are part of a dog’s life, it affects the young ones, the old, and all ages in between. It is common knowledge that, after pet food, veterinarian services are the second most expensive dog owners have to bear.

Though most owners do everything they can to keep their pets healthy and happy, certain circumstances arise that are simply beyond their control. It is important to educate ourselves about the common condition, illnesses, and diseases that are most likely to affect our furry pals. Therefore, in this article, we take a look at the 7 most common dog diseases that every owner should know about

1. Periodontal disease

This is the most common dental problem in dogs. It is caused by the accumulation of tartar and dental plaque on the teeth, which causes inflammation and leads to gum disease. The periodontal disease affects dog teeth and the surrounding structures, such as the bone and gums. It can lead to bone loss, gum infections, and if left untreated for a long time. The most alarming thing about this is that there can be loss of teeth in addition to the fact that, over time, the bacteria in the mouth can damage other organs. 

There are many risks that can be easily prevented. The point is to get the dog used to the toothbrush and toothpaste, you can introduce the brush little by little (provide treats and make brushing interesting to make it easier for you). Brushing should be done once a day and from top to bottom.

2. Intestinal parasites

We always hear about deworming dogs since they are puppies and that worms not only attack your furry pal, but you can get them. In this lies the importance of carrying out laboratory tests of faeces and deworming them as many times as necessary as recommended by your veterinarian.

3. Parvovirus

When this virus attacks dogs in their first months of life it can be deadly. Some of the signs that your pet has contracted parvovirus are lack of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhoea. It is a problem that is triggered in the digestive system; in which there is dehydration, but which can spread to other systems. The recommendation is to vaccinate them in a timely manner and avoid taking them out before having this protection. It is transmitted from dog to dog or, failing that, from a fomite – an object on which virus residues remain and animals come into contact with it – to a dog.

4. Distemper

Although its name does not sound so aggressive, distemper is one of the reasons why it is decided to euthanize these little animals. The disease has four presentations that can manifest individually or jointly: respiratory, digestive (vomiting), nervous (seizures), and cutaneous (ulcers). It occurs when an unvaccinated dog gets together with another in the same situation. These vaccines should be applied once a year.

5. Heart problems

10% of dogs have some degree of cardiac alteration and it affects both small and large dogs. This situation is complicated because dogs may not present symptoms and when they do they translate into not being able to breathe, fainting, or not wanting to exercise. There is no way to prevent it (neither with diet nor with exercise) since they are born or get this alteration, the only thing that can be done is to detect it in time so that it is given good medical management in order to improve their quality of life. This condition is detected through ultrasound, X-rays, and electrocardiogram.

6. Seizures

Seizures occur as a result of intoxication, a consequence of blows or nerve injuries. Seizures occur partially or completely and are more frequent after two years of age. With the help of laboratory tests, the veterinarian determines if it is a seizure and gives the necessary treatment. You should pay special attention to older dogs as they tend to develop tumours. Visits to the vet will always be the most effective way to determine your dog’s ailments. So remember to visit the vet at least twice a year, carry out a test on your dog, deworm it and vaccinate it.

7. Arthritis 

This is a general term for abnormal changes in a joint; it is a common condition in older dogs. In fact, 1 in 5 Australian Terriers will suffer from arthritis at some point in their life. It is one of the main causes of chronic pain in older dogs and can lead to permanent joint damage. The most commonly affected joints in dogs are the knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows. 

You will notice that your dog has taken longer to stand up (especially in the morning or when it is cold) and will be much less active than before. It is often very difficult to tell if your dog has arthritis. Although very painful, your dog may be able to hide his pain and discomfort, especially in the early stages. Weight control, Exercise, and arthritis medications can help your dog cope with arthritis pain.

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