10 Benefits of Getting a Small Dog

Toy dogs, lap dogs, miniature dogs - There are a lot of names for them. On one hand, they are cute, you can bring them anywhere and they can sit in your lap. On the other hand, they have earned the reputation of being loud, unattainable and overprotective. One of the main reasons for this is that we usually do not allow large dogs to get away what we find cute in small dogs, like for example jumping, growling or being aggressive. This is often the owner's fault and there are still many reasons to get a small dog.

Contrary to popular belief, miniature dog breeds are not only suited for older ladies and billionaire daughters; they can be perfect for people who need a constant companion or a family with children. As the saying goes: "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face" (Ben Williams). This brings us to our first reason to get a small dog.

1. Miniature dog breeds are less expensive to keep than larger dogs.  Small dogs don't need as much food than bigger ones. Medication, tick and flea preventions also cost much more for big dogs. In general, more goes in and more comes out when it comes to large breeds.

2. Small dogs don't need as much space as large dogs: A big dog needs more space than smaller dog breeds. So, they are probably better suited for people who have smaller apartments. This doesn't mean that you can't get a large dog when you live in a tiny apartment as long you take him out a few times a day.

3. Small dog breeds don't have high exercise requirements: This is good for people who are lazy or don't have enough time to go out for hours every day with their dog. Some small breeds like Maltese or Yorkshire terriers get their required exercise while playing indoors.

4. They are low maintenance: Nearly all miniature dog breeds just need the occasional brush from time to time. Larger dogs with longer coats have to be brushed more often and leave a lot more mess behind than smaller dogs. It's also easier to bath them and to : keep them clean in general.

5. Small dogs are less dangerous for children than bigger ones: Don't get me wrong, I think most dog breeds are good with children. In situations when children are too rough with dogs, there's a risk that the dog has had too much and may defend himself by biting the kids. If something like this happens, it's less dangerous if it's a small dog.

6. Small dogs are like puppies: There are a lot of small dogs that stay small. How often have you heard people say that they want their dog to stay as small as they are forever? Usually, they grow up and are not as cute anymore as they were as puppies. Small dogs also get bigger but they always stay small and you can keep that feeling of having a little puppy.

7. You can bring miniature dog breeds everywhere: It is really easy to pick-up, transport and carries around a small dog. You can bring them anywhere. This is excellent for people who love to be with their dog all the time and don't like to leave them alone at home. Even if they are small, they can help get the attention of other people if the owner is attacked by a burglar or another aggressor.

8. They make great watchdogs: They might not have an intimidating presence when they are in front of you but when they are trained to bark at the right moment, small dog breeds can be great watchdogs. If unauthorized people come into the house, they can raise the alarm by barking.

9. Some smaller dogs shed virtually no hair: Miniature dog breeds like the Maltese don't lose hair. It's difficult to find hair anywhere in your home if you have a dog like that and you don't need to do any extra vacuuming. Some people who are usually allergic to dogs can keep low-shedders like the Maltese.

10. Smaller dogs tend to live longer
A lot of miniature dog breeds have a higher life expectancy than larger breeds. Some of them can get older than 15 years. If you want your dogs to get old with you, they might be the best choice for you.

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