Four Essential Homemade dog food ingredients

You can control what ingredients your puppy is eating by switching to homemade dog food. However, when making this food, it is important to comprise the suitable ratios of nutrients in this food to guarantee a balanced diet. Although nutrition experts cannot concur on what sort of foods are suitable for dogs - much less what the rate of protein, fat or carbohydrate should be. There is even strong disagreement over whether there is any advantage in feeding dog any carbohydrate at all. In this article we will discuss about a healthy, standard, homemade dog food recipes formula that is well-balanced:

Dogs are carnivores’ animals that have become omnivores through being domesticated by people. They can eat everything we eat, our dog requires more protein in their diet than people. According to experts, the dog requires 23 different amino acids for optimal health. Experts recommend that about 50 percent of the dog's diet should make up for protein, in the form of meat or non-meat protein, such as eggs, cooked dried beans.

Poultry (turkey, chicken, and duck) and beef are the most familiar meat to feed dogs, but it can also feeds on things that most people do not care about, from rabbits to possum. Organic meats like liver, heart, gizzards, and tripe are also okay and very good for dogs in moderation.

Vegetables are regarded as carbohydrates which give glucose for energy as well as dietary fiber. In spite of the fact that there is no minimum suggestions vegetables for your dog’s diet since they are not vital to dogs. This is because dogs have the ability to convert proteins into energy and glucose. It is recommended that vegetables can make up to about 25 percent of dog's diet. Vegetable provides a source of essential minerals and vitamins. Recommended source includes broccoli, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, white or brown rice. These vegetables should be cooked in such a way that makes them more digestible since dogs digestive tract is shorter than human’s so that they have less time to extract the raw vegetation- The percentage of the vegetable in the most case depends on how much protein you serve, as well as other essential dietary component like fat.

Even though it is advisable to maintain low fat in human’s diet, it is essential for your puppy healthy coat and skin. It also provides a high energy source for dogs. It supports the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. The measure of fat included in the diet depends on the age of your dog. As indicated by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, 8 percent is recommended for pregnant or lactating dogs and 5 percent of adult dogs. Deficiencies in these fatty acids can lead to dull coat and dry skin.

Like the vegetable grains can make up to 25 percent of the dog's diet, depending on the activities of dogs and his requirement for quick energy, which is what carbohydrates offer. Whole grains including oats, barley and more others like quinoa, are good as long as they are carefully cooked, but one of the best and most readily available grain is rice. Brown rice is best for daily meals because it provides some of the B-complex vitamins and a bit of fiber from the seed coat, however, white rice cooked in the chicken soup makes a tasteless diet for a sick dog.

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